Crestfallen by Dybeck/Cakic is on Kickstarter!
What are a Montenegrin and a Swede doing together? A comic. Our friend, an artist from Montenegro, Luka Cakic is doing a Kickstarter project alongside a Swedish writer, Kris Dybeck named Crestfallen.
A blue-skinned hermit emerges from his tower, laying his eyes on the world outside for the very first time. Meanwhile a prince is struggling with moral questions in the midst of a rebellion against his father.
A slave ends up fighting alongside a barbarian from the north. Not only a barbarian, a dragonslayer non-the-less.
And an assassin tracks her latest mark.
Crestfallen is a comic book set in a high-fantasy world.
That means that we are more to the side of Tolkien than Martin when it comes to what can inherit this world – which is shown immediatly on the first page, where we meet Zorim – one of the main protagonists.
Crestfallen is a ongoing series, with this being issue #1. This is just the begining of the long journey that lies ahead for our five protagonists.
These five persons are not what you might expect from heroes, at least not a first glance.
We have people who might have fallen from grace or just never left the bottom rung of society. But as their paths cross they will climb back up, in a world very much in need of heroes.
The project started when Kris reached out online to get an illustrator for his comic book. He got a lot of responses but the one that stood out was Luka. He had a great artwork and his way of describing his vision of Kris’ elevator-pitch made it so that there was no other option than Luka.
After some concept art for the characters were done, Luka got to making the first page and Kris fell in love with how he captured the epicness needed for the opening scene of a story of this magnitude.
The duo then started to lay the plans for how and when they would launch a kickstarter for issue #1.
The date fell on November 15th to Decemeber 15th. And a goal of aprx. $3400. The goal might seem low. But the most important thing for the duo is to get the first issue out to the people.
How will the journey continue?
They haven’t decided yet, it depends on the success of the Kickstarter. They have publishers knocking at the door already, but they are keen on keeping creative control.
One things is for certain though, the story of Zorim, Tigator, Elander, Tiffikiel and Reliot will continue after issue #1.
Kris Dybeck is a writer living in Sweden and Luka Cakic is an illustrator living in Montenegro.
Visit them at Facebook and of course support their project on Kickstarter!