11th HSF – announcement
So glad to get the chance to announce the 11th HSF that is in just 5 days. One of the best comic festivals in the Balkans is calling all comic fans (don’t be shy...
So glad to get the chance to announce the 11th HSF that is in just 5 days. One of the best comic festivals in the Balkans is calling all comic fans (don’t be shy...
Last night in Agarthi Comics comic store a new comic book promotion was held. ”Mom, what is war?” by the author Senad Mavrić. This is the second edition of this graphic novel published by...
Last evening I had the pleasure to attend the promotion of a new comic-book starring the first Bosnian comic-book superhero Super Amnesia! Filip Andronik self-published the third part of Super Amnesia adventures, and the...