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Tagged: Mostar

3. Mostarski strip vikend

Ne mogu vjerovati da smo već stigli do 3. najave strip vikenda u Mostaru. Prije nepune dvije godine najavili smo i posjetili 1. Mostarski strip vikend. Sa oduševljem sam prihvatio vijest o prvom festivalu...

2. Mostar comic weekend

  Herzegovina and Mostar are known for the Old Bridge in Mostar, great wine and cheese. Since last year, a great comic festival organized by MoStrip gets on this list as well. The team from...

1. Mostarski strip vikend

A few weeks back, I had the pleasure to announce the first Mostar comic festival, here. This Friday and Saturday (16th and 17th December 2016), comic fans from the Balkan region stormed to attend...