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Tagged: Mostrip

4. mostarski strip vikend

Još jedan strip vikend u Mostaru za pamćenje! Mala, ali veoma vrijedna grupa strip entuzijasta je proteklog vikenda ponovo skrenula pažnju na strip kulturu. Posjetioci iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i regiona, imali...

3. Mostarski strip vikend

Ne mogu vjerovati da smo već stigli do 3. najave strip vikenda u Mostaru. Prije nepune dvije godine najavili smo i posjetili 1. Mostarski strip vikend. Sa oduševljem sam prihvatio vijest o prvom festivalu...

2. Mostar comic weekend

  Herzegovina and Mostar are known for the Old Bridge in Mostar, great wine and cheese. Since last year, a great comic festival organized by MoStrip gets on this list as well. The team from...

1. Mostarski strip vikend

A few weeks back, I had the pleasure to announce the first Mostar comic festival, here. This Friday and Saturday (16th and 17th December 2016), comic fans from the Balkan region stormed to attend...

First Mostar comic weekend

I was so happy when I heard the news about a comic weekend in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The idea for this comic weekend was born on one of the meeting of comic enthusiasts and...