11th HSF – announcement
So glad to get the chance to announce the 11th HSF that is in just 5 days. One of the best comic festivals in the Balkans is calling all comic fans (don’t be shy...
So glad to get the chance to announce the 11th HSF that is in just 5 days. One of the best comic festivals in the Balkans is calling all comic fans (don’t be shy...
End of May is always reserved for Mafest and Makarska in Croatia. Sadly in 2016, the annual 10th Mafest was cancelled and the future of the festival was in danger! But, this year Mafest...
Django Unchained Quentin Tarantino (author), Reginald Hudlin (adaptation), R.M. Guéra (artist), Jason Latour (artist), Denys Cowan (artist), Danijel Žeželj (artist) Release date(s): November 6th 2013 by Vertigo (reviewed) – available @ http://www.bookdepository.com/ format( 264 pages, HC,...